World Cleanup Day
Let’s Do It! Nicosia takes place on World Clean-up Day and aims at bringing together both communities of the island across the divided city of Nicosia in order to join forces for one common purpose- clean all areas and neighbourhoods that are located within the 11 bastions of the walled city. The beauty of Let’s Do It! Nicosia lies in cooperation and collaboration: building bridges between the G/C and T/C communities while at the same time promoting and educating its citizens on environmental matters of sustainability and biodiversity.
What started with only 12 people in 2021 has blossomed into more than 125 volunteers in the following years with the active cooperation of the U.S Embassy Cyprus and Yeşil Barış Hareketi (Cyprus Green Action Group) in the North and the warm participation of a plethora of foreign embassies, diplomats as well as the UNDP.
We hope that Let’s Do It! Nicosia can become a precedent for our generation and an inspiration for future generations one slow green step at a time